Plastic jerricans (or jerry cans) are a robust and secure packaging solution for small batch liquids, such as hand sanitiser, to use a topical example. They have tamper-evident screw-cap closure and their shape makes them practical and cost-efficient for transport. (We also stock tight-head plastic drums for larger batches of liquids.)


  • EU Food Grade & FDA Approved HDPE
  • 2.5l – 25l capacities
  • Tamper-evident screw cap
  • Thousands of plastic jerricans in stock for fast delivery

Available in a range of capacities, from 2.5L to 25L, and a range of colours also. See list of sizes below.

Blue & Natural in Stock

Full Range of Colours Available to Order


Plastic jerricans colour range

Different Designs For Different Pallets

To optimise space on CP1, CP2 & CP9 pallet sizes



Intergrated Spout Option in 20L


Jerrican with spout

UN Certified for Transport of Dangerous Liquids

Standard Jerrican Range

Please get in touch about other sizes

RS00298 Plastic jerrican/ 2.5L/ Non-UN/ Natural/ 38mm neck/ High handle/ Non-stackable/ 90G Non UN 400 RS00298 Plastic jerrican 2
RS00467 Plastic jerrican/ 2.5L/ UNY1.9/ Natural/ 45mm neck/ High handle/ Stackable/ 120G 280
RS00311 Plastic jerrican/ 5L/ Non UN/ Blue/ 38mm neck/ High handle/ Stackable/ 135G Non UN 270 Plastic jerrican 5L Non UN Blue White or Natural RS00311 RS00312 RS003
RS00312 Plastic jerrican/ 5L/ Non UN/ Natural/ 38mm neck/ High handle/ Stackable/ 135G Non UN 270 RS00312 Plastic jerrican 5L Non UN Natural
RS00313 Plastic jerrican/ 5L/ Non UN/ White/ 38mm neck/ High handle/ Stackable/ 135G Non UN 400 Plastic jerrican 5L Non UN Blue White or Natural RS00311 RS00312 RS003
RS00315 Plastic jerrican/ 5L/ UN X1.9/ Natural/ 51mm neck/ Stackable/ 280G Liquids 200 RS00315 5L Jerrican Natural UNX
RS00293 Plastic jerrican/ 10L/ UNY1.9/ White/ 60mm neck/ 530G Liquids 120 RS00315 5L Jerrican Natural UNX
RS00295 Plastic jerrican/ 10L/ UNY1.9/ Natural/ 60mm neck/ Stackable/ 460G Liquids 120 Plastic jerricans 10L blue natural UNY RS00295 RS00296
RS00296 Plastic jerrican 10L/ UN Y1.9/ Blue/ 60mm neck/ Stackable/ 530G Liquids 84 Plastic jerrican 10L blue natural UNY RS00296
RS00461 Plastic jerrican/ 10L/ UNY/ Natural/ 51mm neck/ Stackable/ 420G Liquids 84 RS00461 10L Jerrican Natural UNY
RS00299 Plastic jerrican/ 20L/ UN Y1.9/ Blue/ 60mm neck/ Stackable/ 900g Liquids 60 RS00299 Plastic jerrican 20L UN Blue
RS00300 Plastic jerrican/ 20L/ UN Y1.9/ Natural/ 60mm neck/ Stackable/ 900g Liquids 60 RS00300 Plastic jerrican 20L UN Natural
RS00301 Plastic jerrican/ 20L/ UN Y1.9/ White/ 60mm neck/ Stackable/ 900g Liquids 60 RS00300 Plastic jerrican 20L UN Natural
RS00302 Plastic jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ Black/ 60mm neck/ EuroStackable/ 1KG Liquids 60 RS00304 Blue plastic jerrican 25L
RS00304 Plastic jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ Blue/ 60mm neck/ EuroStackable/ 1KG Liquids 60 RS00304 Blue plastic jerrican 25L
RS00306 Plastic jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ Green/ 60mm neck/ EuroStackable/ 1KG Liquids 60
RS00307 Plastic Jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ Natural/ 60mm neck/ SQ-RD/ 1.05KG Liquids 48
RS00308 Plastic jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ Natural/ 60mm neck/ EuroStackable/ 1KG Liquids 60 RS00308 25L Plastic Jerrican Natural
RS00309 Plastic jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ Red/ 60mm neck/ EuroStackable/ 1KG Liquids 60 RS00309 Red plastic jerrrican 25L UNY
RS00310 Plastic Jerrican/ 25L/ UN Y1.9/ White/ 60mm neck/ SQ-RD/ 1.05KG Liquids 48 Click_Pack_plastic_drums
To request specs on any of the above products, just call or message.